The CABTRAC Board is comprised of the President, President-elect, Treasurer and Board Directors. One board meeting is typically held in-person each year coordinated with the annual retreat, while quarterly meetings are held using videoconferencing tools. Board members are also encouraged to participate in CABTRAC events (e.g. Speed Mentoring) and serve on one of CABTRAC’s committees (view committees here.)
Positions open for the 2025 year:
The President-Elect serves as a voting member of the board and as Board secretary for one year. In the following year, the President-Elect automatically assumes the position of President, functioning both to chair the Board and to lead development of the retreat program. As the Past President, this position completes their three-year commitment as an advisor to the Board.
Board Directors, over a three-year term, act as the governing voices of CABTRAC and participate in board meetings, committees and programming.
The Treasurer, during a five-year term, maintains custody of all funds belonging to the corporation and acts as signature of authority under the direction of the Board of Directors. Additionally, the treasurer approves financial reports and filings to be presented to the board of directors.
For the 2024 year, three Director positions will become open. Board members concluding their service include Larry Boise, Janet Cross and Jon Houtman – Thank you all for serving the past three years! The continuing Directors include Kristin Eckert and Julie Rhoades (to 2025), and Kathleen O’Connor, Rebecca Riggins and Lalita Shevde-Samant (to 2026.) Also continuing will be Hari Nakshatri as President (2025).
For more detail on CABTRAC’s election process, review the following documents:
Please note the following:
Nominees for Board Director must be current faculty at member institutions, who are active in CABTRAC.
Former board members and past presidents are also eligible for open Board Director positions.
Nominees for President-Elect must be a current or past member of the Board.
Past Presidents are not eligible for election to President-Elect.
Nominations from the floor at the Retreat are also considered.
The election is conducted using online polling tools.
Each Institutional member will receive one ballot, sent to the person indicated as the main membership contact person.
Voting opens on the last day of the Retreat and closes on the third day afterwards; Results will be announced as soon as votes are tallied.