CABTRAC is pleased to offer Speed Mentoring at our Annual Retreat on Tuesday, October 29 at 2:15pm, matching senior scientists with trainees for dynamic discussion on personalized career topics. The goal of this one-hour program is to provide opportunities for trainees to seek advice regarding professional development. Trainees will be paired with three mentors, one for each round of discussion. Rounds are 15 minutes each.

Graduate students, MD/PhD students and postdoctoral fellows should review mentor choices and submit their top selections below along with:

  • A 200-word-limit summary of research projects, areas or interest as applicable and career goals
  • Topics and/or questions to discuss with mentors SAMPLE QUESTIONS/TOPICS
  • CV/resume in PDF format with the file name: [Last Name]_CV_2024.

Please note mentor matches are not guaranteed; we will do our best to match you with your preferred mentors on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone who does not submit mentor selections will be assigned mentors at CABTRAC’s discretion. All registered trainee attendees are required to participate; if you cannot attend this event, please contact

Trainee Speed Mentoring submissions with mentor match requests are due by Tuesday, October 1.

Speed Mentor matches will be communicated by Monday, October 21.

<Speed Mentoring Submission Portal will be open here on Monday, September 2>